1. Well-Being Academy
  2. Quan for Team Leads and teams

The flow of the team well-being retro

Here we outline the five steps involved in running your team well-being retro

Hey there! We hope that you’re feeling ready to discuss a first round of well-being results with your team.

Your first team well-being retro is right around the corner, so now we want to be sure you’re ready to guide your team successfully through it. Depending on the size of your team, the team well-being retro can take anywhere from 1 to 2 hours. Make sure you’ve scheduled enough time!

The main goal of this conversation is to arrive at one action point that you and your team will work on this quarter - one that will positively impact your team’s well-being. 


How to run this activity 

Step 1 | 5 min

Contracting: Explain the purpose of the session, and ask “how do we want to act during this conversation to make this a safe space for everyone?” Hear from 3-5 team members. 

Tip: This process is called “contracting”. Contracting is actively agreeing as a team that everything mentioned in the team well-being retro is confidential and won’t be used against them in any way. While the team well-being retro is not intended to be a therapy session, your role as a Team Lead is to create a safe space for people to talk openly.


Step 2 | 15-30 min

Sharing individual well-being insights: Ask “what insights about your well-being would you like to share with the team?” Hear from each team member, allow 1-2 minutes for sharing. 

Tip: Explain that for this step team members don’t need to share their individual scores, but rather share an insight or two that would help the team understand their well-being. You can ask: Which dimensions and/or sub-dimension are they mostly surprised about? What insights are they picking up for themselves? What are their observations regarding their personal life and work life?


Step 3 | 10 min

Present team well-being results: Present your team’s well-being results on the Quan platform. Ask the team members to reflect on the team result just like they reflected on their individual results. What insights are they picking up? What surprised them? Hear from 3-5 team members. 

Tip: Don’t spend too much time on this step, it’s the next step that you want to spend more time on discussing.


Step 4 | 5 min

Choose one area to focus on during this team well-being retro: Acknowledge what is working well in your team, and then move on to what can be improved (well-being Risks). Vote on which one Well-being risk you’ll focus on (use chat/sticky notes for voting). Remember, as a team you can most influence well-being risks regarding your work life (not personal life). If you don't have any work-life-related well-being risks on top, feel free to choose one lowest-scoring well-being sub-dimension which you can see at the bottom in the detailed results.


Step 5 | 30 min

Finally, arrive at one action point you can do as a team for the remainder of the quarter to improve your well-being:

  1. Break into smaller groups for 10 min where you’ll answer the question, “What is the context behind this Risk?” Have one person from each break-out group share some top insights they discussed.
  2. Break back into those same small groups and spend another 10 minutes answering the question, “What actions can you make as a team to start addressing this?” Have one person from each break-out group share some top insights they’ve discussed.
  3. Decide which one point you would like to put in action. We trust that you as a team leader will be able to make a decision about which point your team had the strongest preference for. Alternatively, you can also vote.

Tip: Don’t try to solve all your team’s problems during this session. You will be doing it regularly every quarter. One simple action to improve your team’s well-being is all you need for now.